Seeds for the future of organic farming
Who are we?
Anders Borgen
Anders Borgen is the founder and CEO of Agrologica. After graduating in philosophy from Odense University and a stay at the Organic Agricultural College, he converted his childhood home on Møn to an organic farm. Following that, he graduated as an agronomist and wrote a PHD thesis about Common Bunt, and he has been an vocal figure within the organic agricultural circles ever since. In 2006, his main focus switched towards plant genetic ressources and plant breeding.
+45 4081 3518
Johan Siboni Lund
Johan is a farmer and research assistent, but at present on education leave.
Pia Pedersen
Pia is married to Anders Borgen and took part in Agrologica's founding back in 1984. She also supports Agrologica as its head of the service deparment including canteen and work envinronment
Lasse Borgen
Lasse is primarily responsible for Agrologica's IT department where he manages databases, web site and email
+45 6128 3518
Otto Kappner